Potato Pancakes
Serves: 72 - ½ cup servings
  • 2.125 lbs (1 carton) Idahoan® SHREDS Fresh Cut Hash Browns with Seasoning, rehydrated per instructions
  • 4 cups Idahoan® CREAMY Classic Mashed Potatoes
  • 2½ lb. onions, shredded
  • 16 eggs
  • Sour cream, applesauce, chopped chives
  1. Mix together prepared Idahoan® SHREDS Fresh Cut Hash Browns with Seasoning with onions, eggs, and Idahoan® CREAMY Classic Mashed Potatoes in large bowl.
  2. Place ½ cup of mix onto a 350°F-400°F well-oiled griddle.
  3. Flatten to about ½" thick and cook until golden brown on both sides, about 4-5 minutes on each side.
  4. Serve with sour cream, applesauce and chopped chives.
Recipe by Idahoan® Foods - Foodservice at http://idahoanfoodservice.dev.foerstel.com/?p=830